sábado, 16 de abril de 2016

Portuguese cake - My fav cake "Bolo de Bolacha" / Wafer Cake

My fav cake is Wafer Cake - Sooooo delicious Mihaamm 


1 can Sweetened Condensed Milk
1 can (same can)  milk
5 eggs
2 big packages of  Bolacha Maria (Maria Cookies)
4 – 6 cups of strong black coffee
1 pint whipping cream
1 tsp of sugar or brown sugar            

In a large bowl beat together the condensed milk, milk and egg yolks until creamy. Pour mixture into a pan on low heat and stir well until the mixture comes to a boil. Turn off heat.
Meanwhile dip cookies one at a time into coffee for about 5-10 seconds to coat with coffee, but don’t let them get soft. In a spring form pan or large platter, begin layering the cookies one a time then topping each with the egg cream until towers of your desired height form.
In small bowl beat the whipping cream with sugar until whipped. In separate bowl, beat the remaining egg whites until stiff peaks form. Fold the egg whites into the whipped cream gently. Top the cookie cake with the cream. Top the cake with desired amount of cinnamon and crushed Maria cookie crumbs. Put it in the fridge for about 5 hours, or overnight for best results.

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